Benefit from the low-cost weighing application with UniWin Express.

This is the entry level of UniWin. For some specific industries several specific applications have been created to suite the industry. In general Express is only used in situations where a low-cost, stand-alone application is suitable enough.

UniWin Express is currently only available for static weighing applications and consists of so called “fixed templates”. This means that no modifications can be made on the application. However an upgrade to UniWin Identity is possible to allow for adaptations that fully suite your business.


  • Single user
  • Maintanance of data tables (customers, products, etc) including list print-outs. Available tables vary per industry/”fixed template”
  • Import/Export of data tables via ASCII/*.csv files (fixed format)
  • Maintanance of weighing files (incomplete/complete weighings or gross/tare weighings) including list-print-outs and copy tickets
  • Export of all complete weighings, including all details to *.csv files (fixed format)
  • Details and total reports based on the complete weighings. Multple sorting keys/totalizers available
  • Connection to one weighbridge
  • Weights & Measures approved in Europe and North America